Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: Court-appointed expert Dr. Charles Crudden. told the jury. that Schiro had mental disorder [Tr 1207 1209 Among other things. Crudden discussed Schiro's blunted affect Tr 1219]; his rapid and digres sion- -ridden speech patterrs 1268-91 and his sex ual dysfunction Tr 1207-08 1228. 29 Court wit ness Woods describod Schiro feelings rather "primitive' similar to an infant's feelings about hurting being hurt and concluded that Schiro was mentally ill IT1 1412 1415] Similarly, state's witness, Dr David Crane, found that Schiro had emotional difficul- tix "long standing duration and concluded that these problems were significant part of his mak ke-up 1871 1877] However each of these experts concluded that Schiro was Defense experts Drs Frank Osanka and Edward Donnerstein. were the ouly experts wh ...